Awards and Distinctions

Our institute is mentioned frequently as a premier Taekwon-do school in the world by various martial arts organizations, and has been featured in numerous publications as a leader in the field.

Grandmaster Kim was awarded the “Living Cultural Treasure” Award  in 2019 by the Taekwondo Times.

He was also awarded “Grandmaster of the Year” in 2012 by the Taekwondo Times.

We were also selected as top Taekwon-do school in the world by Mookas Media, the world’s largest martial arts media corporation, from whom we received the “2009 World School of the Year Award”.

“2009 World School of the Year Award”

The story of our school began with Grand Master Jae H. Kim moving to Boston in 1971 to attend MIT. He started teaching Taekwon-do at area universities, where his classes quickly filled with eager students as people took notice of Mr. Kim’s unique teaching style. They instantly recognized the value of Mr. Kim’s approach, which combines an analytical approach acquired through his academic studies at Western universities, with special expertise developed in the East by Taekwon-do masters.

When Mr. Kim’s Taekwon-do classes at the universities could no longer hold the burgeoning number of students coming to him from all over the Boston area, and with encouragement from General Choi who wanted Mr. Kim to establish an exemplary Taekwon-do school in Boston for the world to see, Mr. Kim decided to open a Taekwon-do school of his own, where his students could practice under his supervision day and night. Thus, the Jae H. Kim Taekwon-do Institute was born on July 15, 1974, on Brookline Avenue in Boston. The school has flourished at that location ever since, attracting Taekwon-do students of all ages and backgrounds, from around the world. The institute now operates more than 45 schools in the U.S., Singapore, Malaysia, China, Ireland and Korea.